The Exit Marked “What Caused This”


All of us veer off here sometimes. Some stay a little longer than others. If someone has a condition or a disease without a known cause, and claims to never visit, they are either lying or haven’t arrived yet.

Neither the medical community nor the natural community can tell you for sure what exactly causes brain tumors. The medical community doesn’t even begin to speculate. Not to their patients anyway. Behind closed doors, I’m sure there are scientists with awesome goggles on and fists full of beakers somewhere trying desperately to figure it out. The natural community (including all of those who entertain anything beyond what the medical community suggests) has lots of ideas but they really can’t pinpoint any one cause.

Could it be cell phones? Sure, that’s possible. There are studies out there that show that cell phones are not good for our brains. But that doesn’t explain why my tumor most likely started growing before I had any exposure to cell phones. I’m pretty sure 20 years ago, I didn’t even know people would walk around with tiny computers in their pockets today.

Could it be Wi-fi and electromagnetic fields? Um, yeah, that’s possible. But that doesn’t explain why I have a tumor and my husband, who has been in the IT industry (which is loaded with Wi-fi and EMF’s) for the past 20 years, doesn’t. Nothing against my husband, I would not wish this on anyone, just using him as an purely anecdotal example.

Could it be that cheeto that I ate in 1994? Sure, it could be. And I would definitely agree that processed foods are not good for us. Had you told me then a cheeto was going to do that, I would have left it alone. I swear.

Is it because I don’t juice? Well, that’s a stretch but I tend to think not. I think if we were meant to juice all the time, God would have rained down high-speed juicers with the manna. I don’t know which version of the Bible you’re reading, but I’m pretty sure that didn’t happen. Don’t get me wrong, I think juicing for a short period of time, can be a very good thing.

Is it because I don’t eat everything raw? Eh. I live in Pennsylvania. In this state, we have two seasons, construction and winter. While we endure winter, nothing grows from the ground. So in order to eat everything raw, I would have to load up on things (my kids won’t eat) from the super market, where they had everything shipped from the other side of the earth and spend my husband’s entire paycheck feeding myself. That’s just not practical. And I am nothing if not a practical person.

It’s evolution, natural selection. So you’re telling me I was randomly selected to carry around an alien in my brain? Nope, I’m not buying it. Given the rates of so many diseases, I think we might be evolving ourselves right off the planet. Good job. High-five!

Did God do this? No, I don’t think so. We have had some pretty candid meetings and probably will have some more. He didn’t give away all his secrets, but I’m pretty sure He didn’t do this.

I could go on and on with possible causes, but what I can tell you for sure is that bad things happen to good people. Bad things happen to good people for NO f—ing reason. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to hop back up on this highway called Life and continue on my journey. I can’t stick around these parts too long.

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