Some things I wish I could say to my teenage daughter

You are beautiful. You are so DAMN beautiful without even trying. But outward beauty can be a blessing and a curse. Until the day you begin to see the gifts you bring to this world, your beauty will be a curse. You will always strive to look better and compare yourself with the girls who surround you. Those words, you’re beautiful, although nice to hear will always come across as a little hollow. And when the many boys say it to you, and please believe, THEY WILL, you will always wonder deep down inside if they see the true you. You will buy beauty products and the latest fashions to fit in and to feel accepted and loved because you don’t feel that way about yourself. There are grown women who fall into the trap of believing that the image on the outside is what really matters. They get two and three boob-jobs, complain that their butt is not the right shape to attract men, and then complain that those same men left them for younger, more beautiful woman. As outwardly beautiful as they may appear to the rest us, they don’t FEEL beautiful on the inside. Don’t go there…it’s a trap.

Realize who YOU are, and that no matter what you look like on the outside, you are truly beautiful. You bring unique and lovely gifts into this world. Your heart is as big as the entire state of Texas. You see the good in people. You always forgive and give people more chances than they deserve. You see and appreciate the funny side of life. You can laugh at yourself and celebrate the successes of others. You’re smart and talented…oh so talented. You glide and float across a stage when you’re dancing! It brings tears to my eyes. You work hard for the things you want. You go with the flow but can also be feisty when life requires it. When you start to see and appreciate those qualities, THAT’S when your true beauty begins to shine.

And that’s when the right boy will come along and appreciate ALL of those wonderful pieces of you including the fact that you are absolutely gorgeous.

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